Well friends and families... WE MADE IT!
After raising money, spending countless hours on planes and in airports, and having to endure the pre-trip scares we have arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal. I cannot put into words the way I am reacting to this new reality. Much of the time I am jumping with joy because my new home is so beautiful in so many different ways. Another side of me continues with an unrealistic case of the "what-if's." Nevertheless, the fact of the matter is that we have arrived safety to Nepal and would like to thank all of you for the prayers of safety and smooth traveling. Getting from LA to Nepal is typically no easy task, but this time I believe it was as pain free as possible.
We spent the day trying to familiarize (or re-familiarize) ourselves with the streets of Kathmandu. Remembering specific landmark in which we can navigate from in the future, and also scoping out the spots that look safe to eat! The streets are more beautiful than anything I have ever seen. To the senses they may appear disgusting but if you are able to look past that and combine the multitude of aspects that flood the street, you can seen such a spectacular hidden beauty. As I walk down the street I try, and fail, to take everything in. I try to understand how many different lives are taking place right in front me. How each person I see is coming from somewhere and going to somewhere else with a purpose in mind. To think how walking down one little street, I may have walked past someone who is having the best day of their life, and maybe, in some cases, the worst. I think I love most the limitlessness provided for the imagination by the streets of Kathmandu. I cannot comprehend, to the full extent, the mysterious joy that that can come from embracing all of your sense. Its an incredible feeling that makes me even more thankful for this opportunity.
Thank you all for your continued prayers. please continue to pray for safety. Also please pray for divine wisdom and discernment and we attempt to walk in the direction the spirit leads us!
With much Love,
AHHHH!!! Kev! I'm so excited for you! You guys are in my prayers. Love you!